Will Koehler

Independent web developer living in Columbus, OH

Short North, Columbus, OH. Photo: Pineapple XVI

Alternate Route Options For The Olentangy Trail

Recommendations to create a safe alternate route for trail traffic while the Olentangy Trail is closed under the 315/270 interchange.

Will Koehler
— 9 min read

Client-Side Solution For Downloading Highcharts Charts as Images

I wanted a straightforward, client-side solution for downloading the SVG charts generated by Highcharts as images. It can be done, but relies on a set of web technologies that are still evolving.

Will Koehler
— 12 min read

Deploy a Rails App with AWS OpsWorks

AWS OpsWorks hits a sweet spot, providing a turnkey deployment solution, almost as simple as Heroku, while allowing unlimited customization to your production stack with the power and flexibility of Chef.

Will Koehler
— 10 min read

Vertically Align Content With CSS Using This One Weird Trick

There are three hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and vertically aligning content with CSS.

Will Koehler
— 7 min read

Save 50 Hours Setting up Your Jekyll Blog

Being a perfectionist I knew that I wouldn't be able to resist tinkering with every detail of my new Jekyll blog. I spent 50 hours perfecting my blog, so you don't have to.

Will Koehler
— 9 min read